Aphrahat is the first Syriac author whose works we still have. I've been studying the structure and mindset of his "Demonstrations" and noticing how teleological it all is- he advocates for ascetic practice especially celibacy because of the future resurrection which we somewhat live in right now. (I'm writing a paper on this, which will also be part of my PhD Thesis).
Also, I've been reading about how various late-antique and medieval ideas shape modern and post-modern society. So I've been reading various views on texts, and critical theory, cultural theories etc. Found a useful website with lots of postgrad-level video lectures by many leading lights. eg Agamben on Monasticism. There's Zizek, Baudrillard, Badiou etc. This will inform my final chapter on worldviews and implications of ascetic struggle/jihad/agona.
Crime & Punishment
1 day ago